Terms & Conditions

Fine Print

Khalsa Camp is being event organised in association with Khalsa Foundation UK. Khalsa Camp has been running since 1990 and was one of the first residential camps in the world, if not the first camp to let campers explore Sikhi in English.

Cancellations & Refunds

Khalsa Camp reserves the right to cancel a booking/registration without reason. In this circumstance Khalsa Camp will only provide a refund for any fees paid during the registration process. Khalsa Camp will not be responsible for payment on any travel arrangements which may have been made or any other associated costs.

Khalsa Camp Day Passes are only valid for the day they are booked. Khalsa Camp has the right to reject an application. No one under the age of 16 can purchase a Day Pass. Day Passes are only valid for the person whose name is on the application form. Day Passes are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Registration is on a non-refundable/non-transferable basis. All funds will go towards Khalsa Foundation as a donation.

Any cheques or other forms of payments made towards an application after this closing date will be used towards seva of the camp.

Applications and spaces for the Khalsa Camp are not transferrable. Rules & Regulations onsite

Campers tell us Khalsa Camp is well organised, exciting, and in the words of past campers, “a life changing experience.” We want it to be an awesome memorable experience not just for you and me, but for everyone attending, visiting. To ensure Khalsa Camp runs smoothly we ask everyone (campers, sevadars, site workers, and anyone else) we ask you to stick to a few of rules which are basic common sense.

Campers must not possess, use or distribute/sell any intoxicants including tobacco and alcohol.

Any area of the camp site which is gender-designated i.e. female/male only; should be abided by. Males must not enter female only areas and vice-versa.

Any offensive, abusive behaviour towards anyone including fellow campers, volunteers or site personnel will not be tolerated and such campers will be expelled from Khalsa Camp.

No pets/animals are allowed.

Campers must be 16+ unless written agreement has been provided by Khalsa Camp before booking is made.

Mobile phones must be switched off during certain camp activities.

Any deliberate damage to any equipment, security systems, health & safety precautionary equipment etc. will lead to immediate expulsion from Khalsa Camp and liability for payment for any damage caused for the offender.

Any visitors i.e. parents/guardian are welcome to visit with prior agreement with the Administration Coordinator at Khalsa Camp. The length of stay will be the day, no accommodation will be provided for the visitor and the visitors will be charged at the rate of $100 per day per person.

Campers are not permitted to bring their own cars unless prior agreement has been given by the Administration Coordinator at Khalsa Camp.

Khalsa Camp will not be liable for any missing items; we therefore advise that you bring a lockable suitcase.

No persons may enter or leave the camp site without prior permission for safety reasons.

The use of aerosol deodorants is prohibited as they can set off fire/smoke detectors. If there is a false alarm due to disobeying this, the responsible party will be fined by the camp site.

The camp site may have their own rules and regulations which you must follow also, this will be made clear to you on your first day of Khalsa Camp.

Khalsa Camp reserves the right to change the programme of events as reasonably necessary.

Khalsa Camp reserves the right to dismiss any participant for improper dress, conduct, language, attitude or behaviour which, in the judgement of the disciplinary committee is deemed to be detrimental to other participants experience and/or the success of the camp.

Khalsa Camp will not accept any liability for loss, damage or injury to the property or personal belongings of the camper.

Campers will be responsible to the owners of the venue for any cost of damage to the premises, equipment or related property.

Campers may be liable to Khalsa Camp for any deliberate damage to property that is supplied to them for use at Khalsa Camp.

Every effort will be made to ensure accidents do not occur, however Khalsa Camp cannot accept liability for any injury incurred as a result of such an accident. Any concerned person is advised to take out adequate personal insurance for the duration of the Khalsa Camp.

Any breach of the guidelines set above can result in immediate expulsion from the camp site/Khalsa Camp without refund. Campers in breach of the above guidelines will have to make their own travel arrangements to get back home on the same day and cover these costs themselves.

*Please note T&C’s are subject to change.

For more information please email vancouver@khalsacamp.com